Workout Charts - Free Downloadable

Workout Charts - Free Downloadable

Workout Charts - 

Free Downloadable

4.9 M Total Downloads in 2024 4,132,551 shares

Printable Ball 
Exercise Chart

Printable Ball Exercise Chart


What Do We Need to Build a Workout Routine?

Before you start your workout routine, you need to think clearly of which part of your body needs to be built at the gym. 

You can see the how-tos and other whatnots in workout charts exercises. 

The charts specify what people usually lift and move for the growth of the muscle and the shrink of unnecessary fat. Then, you break down your own schedule with the workout routine. 

Doing the overtraining is prohibited due to the danger for your muscle. In doing so, find the exercises that you feel you must do to achieve your goal with wise time. 

What Workout Charts Exercises Explain?

The workout chart exercises will explain the ways you move up your body, so your body will form a nice shape with safe. 

It can be divided into full-body, abs, upper body, and lower body workouts. For example, for the full-body workout, you will be shown how to do the repetition on the chest press, push-ups, and squats and how many hours you should do them repeatedly, and so will the abs workouts. 

As for the upper body and lower body workouts, the types of the workout will be distributed based on the focus of the target muscle. 

Printable Workout 
Charts for Men

Printable Workout Charts for Men


Printable Dumbbell 

Workout Chart

Printable Dumbbell   Workout Chart


Whole Body 

Stretching Exercises

Whole Body   Stretching Exercises


Exercise Dumbbell 

Workout Chart

Exercise Dumbbell   Workout Chart


Men Full Body Kettlebell 

Workouts Printable

Men Full Body Kettlebell Workouts Printable


Printable Workout 

Log Sheets

Printable Workout   Log Sheets


Wellness Chart 

for Women

Wellness Chart   for Women


Arnold Dumbbell Workouts 

Exercise Charts Free

Arnold Dumbbell Workouts  Exercise Charts Free

1.23 M Downloads 

Monthly Log Sheet

Monthly Log Sheet


Where Can I Get Workout Charts Exercises?

You can cut the time short if you search the workout chart exercises on the internet. There are a lot of health websites, influencer blogs, and free chart stock online sites that allow you a free download. 

They also give you tips and tricks on how to shape the muscle faster, the equipment you need, and the motivational, such as food and exercise journal, muscle-gaining shopping list, and healthy meal ideas from breakfast to dinner, including snack time. You might as well join the online forum for exercise training.  

What Are The Basic Strengths of Exercise Training? 

There lay 4 basic strengths of exercise training for beginners. The first is squats. Although it is popular for leg and other lower body exercises, it will affect the core of the upper parts, too. Then, you must familiar with push-ups. 

As a beginner, you are guided with the comfort level first, yet the result is rather fast. Next, you can do a plank. the focus is on your core. This one exercise is actually the pillar for other workouts you will do in the rest of the program. The last is the deadlift. It is the next level of the squat.

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Calorie Chart

Printable Food  Calorie Chart


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Weight Loss Chart

Printable Nutritionist  Weight Loss Chart


378 K Downloads 

11.3 K Downloads 

Credits: Printable